Artis Wellness Organization
積德行善 維健修心
Welcome /歡迎
德健會成立于2015年, 經政府註册為一 "非弁利" 團體。主旨在推廣太極拳和健身氣功等有益身心的運動, 以求達到服務社群之目的。歡迎各屆人仕参加 !
Artis Wellness Organization was established in 2015 as a nonprofit organization in Ontario.
Our mission is to serve our community by promoting Tai Chi and Health Qigong, in order to help people enhance their physical and mental health. We encourage the practice of healthy exercises and activities in a safe and peaceful environment.
We sincerely welcome anyone to join us.
請注意 : 由於新冠狀病毒疫情影響, 除以下两個地點有維持上課之外,其他地區養生太極班實體課程暫停, 直至另行通知. 請大家繼續練習, 保重身體 !
Attention please: Due to the impact of COVID-19 disease outbreak, only the following two locations still have On-site /in person physical courses of Wellness Tai Chi classes, other locations are temporarily suspended until further notice.
Please keep in practising and take care !
好消息 : 北约太極班:北约華人浸信會社群服務 已開始回復原来實體太極班課, 時間是每星期四早上9:15 -10:45, 內容包括太極氣功十八式,按摩功,關節操, 拍打八虛,健身氣功 - 八段錦, 易筋經, 馬王堆 等. 太極拳24式,26式, 40式, 42式, 85式等。如有興趣請進入以下網頁查詢或登記 : https://www.nycbc.ca/csc/community-service.
Good News: North York Chinese Baptist Community Service has been resumed the Tai Chi class (On-site / in person), the class time is from 9:15 am to 10:45 am in every Thursday morning. The class contents are including Tai Chi Qigong 18 Style, Massage forms, Wellness Exercises, Health Qigong - Ba Duan Jin, Yi Jin Jing etc. Tai Chi Yang Style 24, 26, 40, 42, and 85, etc. If you are interested, please visit the following webpage to inquire or register : https://www.nycbc.ca/community-service.
好消息!士嘉堡太極班: 在士嘉堡華人浸信會(士浸)已開始實體上課, 時間是每星期六上午 9:30 - 11:15 am,
內容包括太極氣功十八式,按摩功,關節操, 拍打八虛,健身氣功 - 八段錦, 易筋經, 五禽戲 等, 太極拳 24式,26式, 42式等。 如有興趣参加請與我聯絡.
Good News: Scarborough Tai Chi class (On site / in person) has been started in Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church, Class time is 9:30 am-11:15 am in every Saturday morning. The class contents are including Tai Chi Qigong 18 Style, Massage forms, Wellness Exercises, Health Qigong - Ba Duan Jin, Yi Jin Jing, Wu Qin Xi etc. Tai Chi Yang Style 24, 26 and 42, etc.
If you are interested to join with us, please contact me at my email.

On-Site in person
闔家樂安寧 .

2012 中國大青山洪均生國際太極拳交流大賽

2024 NYCBC 太極班 慶祝聖誕太極班表演
北約華人浸信會社群服務十週年慶祝會 - 太極班表演
NYCBC Community Services 10 th Anniversary - Tai Chi Class Presentation
CCKSF 35 Anniversary Celebration Event (24/09/2024)
Hung Quan- Tiger & Crane Style - Sifu Artis Chan
洪拳 虎鹤双形拳表演 陳世光 師傅
CCKSF 11th Executive Committee Swore-in Celebration Banquet (May 19 2024)
Tai Chi Sword - Sifu Artis Chan (VP)
太極劍表演 - 陳世光師傅(副會長)
楊式太極拳 24式 (背面+招式) - Artis Chan
楊式太極拳 40 式 (背面+招式) - Artis Chan
楊式太極拳 26 式 (背面+招式) - Artis Chan
楊式太極拳 85 式 (背面+招式) - Artis Chan
五行掌(醫療氣功) - Artis Chan
五行掌據說是從五台山傳下來的養生祛病功法,其依據中醫的五行學說,對五臟六腑及經絡血液運行很有幫助,可配合健身氣功六字訣來鍛練吐納,以達三調合一的境界。The Five Elements Palm is said to be a health-preserving and disease-eliminating exercise handed down from Wutai Mountain. Based on the Five Elements theory of Chinese medicine, it is very helpful for the blood circulation of the internal organs and meridians. It can be used in conjunction with Health Qigong - Liu Zi Jue to practice respiration to achieve the integration realm of body, breath and mind.
養生關節操 (鏡面演示) - Artis Chan
養生按摩功 拍打八虚 (鏡面演示) - Artis Chan
太極氣功十八式 (鏡面+招式+口令 ) - Artis Chan
養生功 - 拍打八虚 (功法說明) - Artis Chan
Click on the below items or photos to see more details
點按以下項目 或圖片可觀看有關内容
Celebrating Canada 150 萬民祝福行暨嘉年華表演

洪拳 - 虎鶴雙形拳 Artis Chan

八段錦 - 星期六太極氣功班
萬民祝福行暨嘉年華特刊 - Artis Chan 撰文